Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine. It involved placing very fine, sterile needles on acupoint in the body to relieve pain, overcome disease, and bring the body into a balanced state.
The philosophy of acupuncture involves Qi which is the vital energy that flow through meridian. When your energy Qi becomes blocked or stopped up, it may result in illness, we insert the needles to the acupoint to help remove blockage and restore Qi flow, balance yin and yang in your body.
Its believed that acupuncture points can stimulate the central nerves system. Therefore, inserting needles at the acupoint can cause body release of bio-chemicals into muscles, spinal cord, and brain that can boost your body healing capabilities by stimulating the immune system.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your acupuncturist will do 3 important things before needles insertion.
- Get a short medical history from you.
- Take your pulse on both wrists.
- Look at your tongue.
Because they are TCM (Tradition Chinese Medicine) assessments.
Pulse and tongue give acupuncturist information about patients state of health and well-being. It helps acupuncturist design a more personalized treatment plan for you.
There is no significant downtime and you can return to work or go about your daily routine. If you feel tired afterward, it is recommended that you rest if you need to.
Depending on the individual. There maybe improvement after one session. Others begin to heal after several sessions.
Your acupuncturist will help you set up future appointments and estimate the duration of your treatment after one session. As you go through the process, you’ll probably find that you actually look forward to your session.
Your practitioner should be willing to answer any questions you may have and further put your mind at ease.
Major Benefits
Relieve Pain
Relieve your joint pain or back pain or headache.
Overcome Disease
Helps with certain diseases, including: Abc, Def, Hig
Balance Your Body
Help to release stress, uncomfortable over whole body. brings energy.