Marina Ma

Registry massage therapist

Marina, a seasoned and highly skilled massage therapist, entered Makami Massage College in 2014. With 3000 hours of professional training and a decade of work experience in Canada, she excels in Deep Tissue Massage and Sports Massage.

Whether you’re an athlete, working professional, or undergoing physical therapy, Marina’s expertise lies in addressing issues within the deep layers of the body, including fascia, muscles, and joints. Her primary focus is to alleviate muscle soreness, tension, joint and tendon pain, and overall muscle fatigue, while enhancing the body’s self-healing capabilities.

If you’re experiencing muscle soreness, swelling, or general fatigue, consider scheduling an appointment with Marina.

Her Services


Tui Na

$ 105

GST include (1 hr)


Therapeutic Massage

$ 105

GST include (1 hr)


Relaxation Massage

$ 105

GST include (1hr)